In just a short period of time, White Cloud Foundation’s Boardies & Bubbles Lunches have become one of the hottest tickets in town!
Boardies & Bubbles originated in Brisbane where the lunch is held each year in October on the eve of Queensland Mental Health Awareness Week. There are also Boardies & Bubbles Lunches held each at the Gold Coast, Toowoomba, Townsville, and Tangalooma Island Resort (Moreton Island).
Each Boardies & Bubbles Lunch features plenty of special guests and entertainment.
The most unique part of the lunch is that all the blokes have to wear their favourite board shorts, while the girls can wear whatever they want!!!
Each Boardies & Bubbles Lunch raises funds for White Cloud Foundation programs that provide practical and clinical support to people struggling with their mental health and wellbeing.
For details on our upcoming Boardies & Bubbles Lunches, click on the links below:
Toowoomba Boardies & Bubbles | 21 February 2025 | Blue Mountain Hotel, Toowoomba | On sale now |
Tangalooma Boardies & Bubbles | 7 March 2025 | Tangalooma Island Resort, Moreton Island | On sale now |