White Cloud Sport

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White Cloud Foundation and QRU partnership launch with Adam Scott, Tom Scott, Stirling Hinchliffe MP, Gaven Head, Jane Schmitt and Tim Horan.

White Cloud Foundation understands that in order for an athlete or sportsperson to perform at their best, they need to be not only physically fit but mentally fit.

That’s why White Cloud Foundation is offering Sporting Associations to partner with us in providing mental health treatment and support to members, athletes, players, administrators, families, and other affiliates.

By making White Cloud Foundation your Mental Health partner, our White Cloud Sport service can provide you with:

  • Access to the White Cloud Tele-Mental Health Service for all your members, players & athletes, administrators, volunteers, affiliates, and their family members; and
  • Ongoing support for the development and maintenance of your mental health programs.
What else can we provide?

If you choose White Cloud Foundation as your Mental Health Partner, we will personalise a range of marketing materials with your brand/logo. By doing this, your members and other affiliates will know it is a service that you have organised for them.

Of course, you never know when someone is in need of mental health support, so it is important that the White Cloud Tele-Mental Health Service and phone number is kept front-of-mind, with information easily available to anyone when they may need it.

White Cloud can work with you to develop any marketing or communication materials you feel will be most effective in getting the word out to members.

What does it cost?

Absolutely nothing.

There is no cost to your association/organisation and there is no cost for the individuals accessing the service.

All that we ask from you is that your organisation promotes White Cloud Foundation as its Mental Health Partner, and that you actively drive awareness of the service and the importance of seeking help for depression and anxiety through your community.

We also hope that your organisation will assist us with our fundraising to operate the service. This could simply be through donating a prize for us to auction/raffle at an event, joint grant applications and/or approaches to Government or a potential ‘Mental Health Round/Week’ campaign with local sausage sizzles, etc.

Our current White Cloud Sport partners